Critical Analysis of “Maximum Stress Failure Criterion” for Composite Materials

  • Ion FUIOREA Calculation and Testing Institute for Aero-Astronautics Structures, Bucureşti, Romania
  • Dumitriţa STĂNICĂ Calculation and Testing Institute for Aero-Astronautics Structures, Bucureşti, Romania
Keywords: failure criterion, composite materials


The paper deals with critical considerations upon different points of view that were enounced by some authors referring to Maximum Stress Failure Criterion for composite materials. The considerations stem both from a comparative analysis of the mentioned theories and from the results of theoretical and numerical tests performed by the authors.

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How to Cite
FUIOREA I, STĂNICĂ D. Critical Analysis of “Maximum Stress Failure Criterion” for Composite Materials. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2009 [cited 19Sep.2024];32(1):8-4. Available from: