Experimental Researches Concerning the Influence of the Oxynitrocarburizing Thermochemical Treatment over the Structure and Corrosion Resistance of C40 Steel
The aim of the paper is to present the results of the experimental researches regarding the corrosion behaviour of C40 steel, thermochemical treated by oxidant nitrocarburizing at 570 °C. The thermochemical treatment was realized using an installation of oxidant nitrocarburizing. The characterization of the samples was done using laboratory equipments, in the following way: the composition of surface was determined using a RF GDS spectrometer (Jobin Yvon type), the structural analyses by X-ray diffraction (Rigaku Ultima IV) and scanning electron microscopy (MEB FEI). The evaluation of the corrosion resistance, which is the goal of this work, was done using the test method in salt fog, in the Laboratory of the Materials Engineering Department, Dacia plant.
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