Reduction Rate of Remanent Stress in Thermal Spraying Depositions by Shot Peening

  • Leonard TEODORU Fundatia “Prof. Constantin Popovici” Bucharest, Romania
  • Valentin MIHAILESCU Fundatia “Prof. Constantin Popovici” Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Remanent stress, Shot peening, Thermal spraying


Thermal electric-arc spraying coatings are widely utilized both to get new parts ant to repair the used ones. Just like with the other thermal spraying procedures, the other thermal spraying procedures, the thickness of these coatings is limited by the level of the internal stresses developed in the depositions. The paper presents an indirect method of measuring these internal stresses consisting in metal spraying the surface of a steel strip and then measuring the deflection of the respective strip curvature. The second part of the paper shows a method of reducing remanent stresses by making use of spherical steel shot peening.

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How to Cite
TEODORU L, MIHAILESCU V. Reduction Rate of Remanent Stress in Thermal Spraying Depositions by Shot Peening. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2007 [cited 7Mar.2025];30(1):132-5. Available from: