Research on Construction and Sizing of the Metal Structure of a Winding Installation

  • Marin-Silviu NAN University of Petrosani, Romania
  • Dorina BĂDIȚĂ (POPESCU) Colegiu Tehnic “Constantin Brancus” Petrila, Romania
  • Danut GRECEA National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion - INSEMEX, Petrosani, Romania
  • Cosmin VITAN University of Petrosani, Romania
  • Bogdan BRĂNIȘTEANU National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion - INSEMEX, Petrosani, Romania
Keywords: winging installation, metal structures, design and simulation, de-ventilating shaft


The paper focuses on the design of the metal tower for the sinking of Netiș de-ventilating shaft in Râul Mare Retezat hydro-energetic setup. The analytical calculation of sizing and verification of the metal structure is doubled by the graphic simulation with speciality software, in view of obtaining results as close as possible to the real exploitation conditions of the tower. The tower of the de-ventilating shaft is considered to be a temporary construction, and its component parts will be decommissioned once the sinking is finalized. The tower is made up of metal structures in four transoms, 3 being mounted with junction plates and screws, the fourth being the roof.

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How to Cite
NAN M-S, BĂDIȚĂ (POPESCU) D, GRECEA D, VITAN C, BRĂNIȘTEANU B. Research on Construction and Sizing of the Metal Structure of a Winding Installation. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2021 [cited 19Feb.2025];44(2):11-6. Available from: