Consolidation of Fiscal Decentralization and Financing of Local Authorities

  • Florin Tudor


The economical and social dynamics of the EU member states demonstrated the fact that there permanently occur important movements with respect to the economical structure of regions. The structural changes, established by the real economical life, of market, rise problems regarding the regional and local development; integration strategies in the regional and trans-border development programs; economical re-conversion of regions and of the labor force, etc. In the case of Romania, being in transition and economical reform for more than 18 years, the dynamics of sector, regional area and local restructuring is much more stressed. The recognition of the predominant role of national and local governments, of the organizations of civil society and of the citizens at national and local level, regarding the administration of decentralization and local governance process, should be a disposition to which we have to tend. This article welcomes the conclusions expressed by the Commission of Regions (see infra 7) for the coordination of actions and financial support, in favor of the decentralization and local governance process.

How to Cite
Tudor, F. (2023). Consolidation of Fiscal Decentralization and Financing of Local Authorities. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from

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