The Many Facets of Social Innovation

  • Cristina Pătrașcu
Keywords: social innovation; social innovation categories; grounded social innovation


Interrogations around the concept of social innovation continue to form an important stream of scientific research and bring into focus different aspects that seem to put this concept into a different perspective.
Staying aware of the risk of considering social innovation a solution for every problem, but also avoiding considering it a „buzzword”, the present article intends to present yet another facet of social innovation, namely community-based social innovation, or „grounded social innovation” (Daniel, Jenner, 2022). This category of social innovation is considered to be both community-based and community-oriented, a characteristic that differentiates it from other categories of social innovation. This approach also allows a brief analysis of the context and factors that influence social innovation positively or negatively. The research methods used are mainly qualitative, as numerous sources of specialty literature have been evaluated and analyzed to establish several forms of social innovation and discuss and establish their main features.

How to Cite
Pătrașcu, C. (2023). The Many Facets of Social Innovation. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 16(2), 71-78. Retrieved from