Descoperiri arheologice cu caracter creştin din zona Dunării de Jos. Studiu de caz: mormântul 7 de la Bărboşi

  • Mihaela Denisia Liuşnea Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: Christianity, zwiebelknopf fi bulae, INNOCENS


Starting from the 1st century A.D., following Augustus’s reorganization of the Roman provinces, Bărboşi, Galaţi, attracted the interest of the Roman Empire. The roman used on the Lower Danube the ships for military campaigns in the area and to
supply troops and transport war material. The particular military situation of Barboşi in Antiquity stimulated a general political, social and economic evolution of the Lower Danube’s region.
We present here the discovery of gold fibula, with strap bow of rectangular section and on the lateral side is incised inscription INNOCEN(S), in the necropolis by the castellum Bărboşi, near Dinogeţia, as well as inspection of some specimens of gold zwiebelknopf fibulae from the collections of Romania and Serbia.


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How to Cite
Liuşnea, M. (2011). Descoperiri arheologice cu caracter creştin din zona Dunării de Jos. Studiu de caz: mormântul 7 de la Bărboşi. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 10, 40-52. Retrieved from
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