Paul Păltănea – aspecte mai puţin cunoscute despre calitatea sa de profesor de istorie la Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galaţi

  • Mihaela Denisia Liuşnea Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: teacher, history, Paul Păltănea, Galați, academic environment, University “Dunărea de Jos“ of Galați


In this work, I wanted to evoke the personality of the one who was a teacher worthy of my respect, for the model of dignity and professionalism, offered to his students, Paul Păltânea. In this context, I tried to understand how the young Paul Păltânea was formed, who were his role models – the teachers he worked with, how he understood what it means to defend your freedom of conscience even at a price difficultto pay for many. On the other hand, I tried to bring to light, perhaps less known aspects about the environment in which the History-Geography Specialization began its activity, within the Faculty of Letters and Sciences in Galati. We also wanted to talk about the role of the teacher, in our case, of history, in a reorganized, reformed education system, affected by ideologies, but with a goal that has not changed until today – that of perfecting the personality of young people. Currently, we are witnessing many discussions regarding educational objectives and there are theorists who want to remove from the classic scheme the attitudes, which should complete the picture of skills, abilities and competences, based on values, which should be assumed by those who want to integrate into a postmodern society, with a great dynamic that implies permanent adaptation and re-adaptation to change. History, more than theoretical, abstract disciplines, presupposes principles that should be related to truths that are immutable. The latter, I think, cannot or should not be able to change and adapt to the times!


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How to Cite
Liuşnea, M. (2024). Paul Păltănea – aspecte mai puţin cunoscute despre calitatea sa de profesor de istorie la Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galaţi. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 21, 97-104. Retrieved from
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