Literatura de consum și blogurile scriitorilor

  • Daniela Bogdan
Keywords: Consumer literature, blogs, Internet culture, genre, advertising


Consumer literature, as a niche, somehow subordinated to the major genre, can no longer be ironized because those who write it, promote it or, finally, sell it are, in the last few years, more specialized. According to an opinion poll, advertising, reviews and press criticism, book layout, or a convenient price are the most important factors in determining someone to read a book. Also, blogging – a phenomenon which grew among young Romanian writers, for the last few years, can help a lot. The blog literature and Internet culture in the Romanian space have developed rather through the mimetism of the West, but the positive part is that online writing reveals authors and texts that would otherwise not have been known or would have been the victims of literary criticism.

How to Cite
Bogdan, D. “Literatura De Consum și Blogurile Scriitorilor”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 25, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 122-31, doi: