On the influences of main engine parameters on EEDI evaluation for a bulk carrier

  • Alexandra Diaconița NASDIS Consulting SRL.
  • Liviu Crudu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: Powering, Energy Efficiency Design Index, Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator, Ship propulsion, Ship resistance.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of the different characteristics of some types of engines on the propulsion performances from the economic point of view and the impact on the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI). The analysis was carried out for different solutions of motorization. The preliminary design of the propeller was performed taking into account two values of the diameter according to design procedures. For each diameter two engines were selected in order to have a comparative analysis. It is well known that IMO has adopted strict regulations related to the emission of air pollutants from ships and mandatory energy-efficiency measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases under Annex VI of IMO’s pollution prevention treaty (MARPOL). IMO has established a series of baselines regarding the amount of fuel to be burned by each type of ship for a certain cargo capacity [1]. Ships to be built in the near future have to comply with the provisions set up by baselines which will be progressively higher over time.



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[1]. IMO, „Low carbon shipping and air pollution control,” Available:http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/ HotTopics /GHG /Pages/ default.aspx
[2]. D. Obreja, “Teoria navei, Concepte și metode de analiză a performanțelor de navigație”, București: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 2005
[3]. IMO, Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations and Related Guidelines, London: IMO, 2016
[4]. B. C. B. R. X. M. D. R. Naya Olmer, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Shipping, 2013–2015, The International Council on Clean Transportation, 2017
[5]. M. L. Hans Otto, Prediction of Resistance and Propulsion Power of Ships, University of Denmark, 2013
[6]. IMO, „EEDI - rational, safe and effective,” Available:http://www.imo.org/ en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/ GHG/ Pages/EEDI.aspx.
How to Cite
Diaconița A, Crudu L. On the influences of main engine parameters on EEDI evaluation for a bulk carrier. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2018 [cited 18Sep.2024];41:107-12. Available from: https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/fanship/article/view/1018

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