Researches regarding the dependence of certain sensorial competences of bread upon the raw material and the processing parameters

  • Călin Jianu Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
  • Diana Dogaru Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
  • Corina Mișcă Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
  • Dana Stoin Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
  • Alexandru Rinovetz Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
  • Ionel Jianu Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
Keywords: sensorial vector, bread aroma, food flavor, Maillard browning, sensorial evaluation


The organization (structuring) of a sensorial (taste) assessment program with all the derived implications and recommandations is a decisive step in promoting a new kind of food. The paper presents the experiments of sensorial evaluation for two panification assortments (graham and whole-meal bread) by using specific wheat obtained from raw material cultivated in the West
Planes of Romania, improved with enzymes, glucides and proteins (fermentation bran extract). The special taste and odour of the bread is due to the over 200 flavoured vectors (partially identified).
In this paper, by using the three-phase proceeding, we, gradually, modified the main influence factors of taste and flavor in the two major technological phases: the preparation of the leaven and dough (consistency, duration, fermentation temperature) and baking (duration, temperature). We analyzed, by chromatography, the major compounds of taste and flavor (ppm) (hydroxy-methyl-furfural, furfuralacetoine, diacetyl) in the crumb, in the inferior and superior crust, for the mentioned specialties and the flavor index, by knowing, from the literature, the sensitivity threshold for the four flavor “vectors”. Each of them was described and it appreciated by three/four different points of the global sensorial evaluation of the panification product. The PCA (Principal Component Analysis) allowed us to evaluate the experimental data that we collected. The diagrams of the trials and the recordings sustain that the main sensorial characteristic remains the taste, then the odour, the superior and the inferior appeareance of the crust, of the crumb, consistency and shape.

How to Cite
Jianu, Călin, Diana Dogaru, Corina Mișcă, Dana Stoin, Alexandru Rinovetz, and Ionel Jianu. 2009. “Researches Regarding the Dependence of Certain Sensorial Competences of Bread Upon the Raw Material and the Processing Parameters”. The Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI - Food Technology 33 (1), 80–82.

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