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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editing instructions for THE “ANNALS OF DUNAREA DE JOS UNIVERSITY”, Fascicle XIV- Mechanical Engineering

Title: Times new Roman (CE), 16 Bold, Capital Letters, Single Space, Center, at 1 space from 16 pt. from Header;

Author(s):  Courier New 12, Single Space, Center, at 1.5 Space from 12pt. under the title; The name of the author(s) must be preceded from his (theirs) scientific and professional degree(s);Under the name of the author is written the affiliation;

ABSTRACT: Times New Roman (CE), 14 Bold, Capital Letters, Center, at two time 1.5 Space from 14 pt under the authors;

Content of the abstract: Times New Roman (CE), 10 Italic expanded 0.5 pt, at 1 Space from 10 pt. under the word ABSTRACT, in same language as the entire work;

Keywords: Word KEYWORDS: Times New Roman 10 pt, regular, uppercase. Leave one row (10 pt) before the word keywords. After the word KEYWORDS: it will follow maximum 5 keywords (or groups of keywords).

Title + Author(s) + Abstract + Content of the Abstract + Keywords: One column, reduce left-right with 2 cm;

Name of the chapter and subchapter: TimesNewRoman (CE), 12Bold,Center, at 1 Space from12 pt underthe uppertext;

Text: Times New Roman (CE), 10 expanded 0.5 pt, two columns, spacing 0.6 cm, justify, directly under the name of the chapter; Manuscript will be typed in two equal columns.

Figures: With graphic editor, on one column. Figures larger than the column width can be placed on the whole page width but only at the beginning or end of page; Only photos can be scanned; The text in pictures has the same format as in the paper; Figure number -10 pt, centred aligned, followed by the figure title - 10 pt. Leave one row (10 pt) before or after figures. Reference within the text will be done using Figure x at the start of the sentence, and fig. x within the text. The figure and figure title will be in one text box.

Tables: Table number – 10pt, right aligned, table title – 10pt right aligned. Leave one row (10 pt) before or after tables.

Equations: Equations will be centred and numbered consecutively in round parentheses, right aligned. Leave one row (10 pt) before or after equations. Style, define: text: Times New Roman (CE), Italic; function: Times New Roman (CE), Italic; variable: Times New Roman (CE), Italic; L.C. Greek: Symbol; U.C. Greek: Symbol; Matrix vector: Times New Roman (CE), Bold; number: Times New Roman (CE), Italic; Size, define: Full: 11 pt; Subscript / superscript: 10 pt; Sub- Subscript / superscript: 9 pt; Symbol: 14 pt; Sub-Symbol: 13 pt;

References: Number in the list: Between rectangular bracket; Author(s): Times New Roman (CE), 8 pt., Bold; Title: Times New Roman (CE), 8 pt., Italic; Other information: Times New Roman (CE), 8 pt., Regular; All references will be cited in text. In the body text of the paper the references will be done by their number, typed in brackets [x].

Page SET-UP: Top: 2.54 cm; Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left: 2.54 cm; Right: 2.54 cm; Gutter: 0 cm; Header: 1.27 cm; Footer: 2.54 cm; Format: A4; Layout: Header and Footer: Different odd and even; Different first page;

Language: The paper has to be written in English.

Footnote: Times New Roman (CE), 10 pt., uppercase.


Full responsibility for the paper rests on the author. Reviewers and editors may suggest some changes. Corrections to the paper cannot be undertaken by the Publisher or the Editors. You will receive reviewing and editing notes by email and you must send the correct paper in one week. Each paper must content even number of pages and minim 4 pages.

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