Non-Conformities Analysis in the Industrial Manufacturing Processes
industry, turbine components, non-conformity, Quality Plan (QP), Corrective Action Report (RAC)
The current article presents the identification, treatment method and encoding of causes that generate defects and types of non-conformities encountered during the manufacturing process in industry.
The analysis is performed periodically: monthly, quarterly, yearly, compared to the results of previous similar periods. This process is the basis for establishing the necessary corrective/ preventive measures.
The purpose of this study is to show how to achieve data centralization needed to prevent non-quality.
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[13]. Uma Maheswaria J., Paul C. Charlesrajb V., Sandeep Kumara G., Sreenivas Padalaa S. P., A Study on Assessment of Non-conformances using Multiple Domain Matrix: A Case Study from Metro Projects, Procedia Engineering, vol. 145, p. 622-629, 2016.
[14]. Kumar G. S., Assessment of Non-Conformance report (NCR) based delays using Multiple Domain Matrix (MDM): Case study of Metro Project, M. Tech Thesis. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 2015.
[15]. Burati J. L., Farrington J. J., Ledbetter W. B., Causes of quality deviations in design and construction, J. Constr. Eng. Mgt. 118 (1), p. 34-49, 1992.
[16]. Karkoszka T., Audits as a Manner of Conformity Assessment and Improvement Guidelines in the Organisation, Key Engineering Materials, Advances in Manufacturing Systems, vol. 502, p. 31-36.
[17]. Marius Bulgaru, Lucian Fulea, Marian Borzan, Vlad Bocăneț, Silviu Ilas, Using Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Nonconformities, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 809-810, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, p. 1287-1292, 2015.
[18]. Bernardo M., Casadesus M., Karapetrovic S., Heras I., How integrated are environmental, quality and other standardized management systems? An empirical study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 17 (8), p. 742-750, 2009.
[19]. Bergman B., Klefsjö B., Quality from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction, Second Edition, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2003.
[20]. Militaru E. M., Moroşanu A. D., Hudea L., Dumitru M. G., Research of NDT examination of the turbine parts using magnetic particles, Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Productica Scientific Session, vol. 7, no. 1, ISSN 2067-2160, Editura Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România, Bucureşti, 2015.
[21]. Militaru E. M., Moroşanu A. D., Goran M., Dumitru M. G., Research of NDT examination of the turbine components using liquid penetrant inspection, TEHNOMUS Journal New.
How to Cite
MILITARU (BRATU) E-M, GHEȚA RA, BRATU A-V, DUMITRU GM, IACOBESCU G. Non-Conformities Analysis in the Industrial Manufacturing Processes. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2018 [cited 23Jan.2025];41(3):35-4. Available from: