Behavior of Rp3-High Speed Steel on Short Time Nitriding in Fluidized Bed
Nitriding, fluidized bed, HSS, Rp3, short cycle
For steel nitriding, treatment time is a important factor. Gas and plasma nitriding are usual method to increase surface properties by nitriding. A close retort is used. Total time for treatment are higher because are necessary transition time for heating and cooling. Fluidized bed offer a short time for heating and cooling because furnace having an open retort. Work paper is based by nitriding experiments by experimental fluidized bed furnace. A gas mixture of ammonia and nitrogen was used. For samples were used HHS (Rp3) . Results were investigated micrographic, surface hardness test (HV5) and micro hardness (HV0,05).
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How to Cite
BÂCLEA A, CAZACU N, DOBROVICI S, DRUGESCU E, POTECAŞU O. Behavior of Rp3-High Speed Steel on Short Time Nitriding in Fluidized Bed. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2005 [cited 14Sep.2024];28(2):48-3. Available from: