Satul românesc în spațiul și timpul lui Dumnezeu

  • Mihaela Denisia Liușnea “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Romanian Village, Orthodox churches, the peasant, space, time


In the homage cancellation of the Romanian village, they are proposed to look at the perspectives on certain intellectuals on certain aspects. The village, realized ubiquitously in the collective and individual histories of the Romanians, is established in Orthodox churches, conditioned by the Holy Spirit, represents first, we
believe, the hierarchy of values, it relates the endless space to the universe and while it is limited to eternity: the God’s space and time. The Romanian peasant is not in a hurry, he is not pessimistic, he does not lie in despair, because he lives fulfilling God’s Great and “unchanging“ Plan – history. The peasant must create the thought life and glorify God, who takes care of His presence. Thus, during the work, it is marked by Christian holidays of honor to Him, the Mother of God and the Saints. The conclusion is that the issue of space and time in the Romanian village cannot be addressed from the position of God is present, growth is determinant for dimension (length and time), height, depth of depth that characterizes the two concepts. The relativism of today’s world can encompass the Romanian soul.

How to Cite
Liușnea, M. (2019). Satul românesc în spațiul și timpul lui Dumnezeu. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 17, 233-243.
Satul românesc: trecut, prezent, viitor

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