Measures to Optimize Job Security "Crane Machinists to Transport Liquid Steel"
The starting point in optimizing the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases for a crane machinist for the transport of liquid steel is the risk assessment of the system. Risk assessment involves the identification of all risk factors in the analyzed system and quantifies their size based on the combination of two parameters: the maximum possible consequence severity and frequency on the human body. These are partial risk levels for each risk factor respectively overall levels of risk for the entire analyzed system (job).
According to the European standard, in Romania, "the factors taken into consideration for the risk assessment" are: a) the probability of an injury or damage to health; b) the maximum expected severity of the lesion.
[2]. *** - Instrucţiunea de lucru cu podul rulant de la otelarie ”I.P.R.. – UOR -104/2009, rev.1”.
[3]. *** - Instrucţiunea tehnică de lucru privind exploatarea şi întreţinerea sistemelor de protecţie şi siguranţă ale podurilor rulante „I.P.R.. – U.O.R. – 014/2009, rev. 1”.
[4]. *** - Instrucţiunea tehnică de lucru privind efectuarea activităţii de curatenie la oţelărie „I.O.R.– 083/2009, rev. 2”.
[5]. *** - Cartea lucratorului la otelarie - Ed. Interna .U.O.R. Rev. 2012.
[6]. *** - Colectia de standarde EN292-1/1991, EN 1050/96, SR EN292/1-1996.