Experiments on Ballistic Tests for Improving Performance of a Neutralizing Gas Dynamics System

  • Vasile BĂLAN Tehnical Military Academy of Bucharest, Romania
  • Marian BORDEI "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: ballistic, neutralizing gas dynamics system


Neutralizing improvised explosive devices (handmade) by mechanical separation of the elements which are part of their composition can be achieved by the following methods:
- generation of shock waves by means of the impact method between a projectile or a jet formed from diverse disrupting backgrounds and the improvised explosive device. It is known that after impact we must have at the interface projectile (jet)–target the same pressure and material speed; they characterize the equilibrium that is established at the interface;
- generation of shock waves by detonating explosives placed in direct contact with parts subject to shock. This method is destructive and it must take into account the combined effects of explosive load that we want to neutralize and cargo of explosives used in neutralization; it can be used only in special places which can provide a range of effective safety;
- generation of shock waves using lasers; at this stage, this method is only used in laboratories through fundamental research.
The most used method for neutralization of an improvised explosive device is the first one. The neutralization systems (gas-dynamics systems) that propel the kinetic projectiles using explosives are used to transmit large shocks to various inert or reactive targets. These shocks have a significant impact on the targets, transmit changes in state and kinematic parameters, leading to either dismantling of targets or initiating explosive charges receivers. Initiating the explosive to the receiver detonation devices that can be parts of improvised explosive devices happens because the incident shock wave has exceeded the critical threshold of initiation. The initiation of detonation is, generally, an undesirable event, as explosive charge mass, although part of it, may not make it possible to take appropriate safety distances and thus material damage and human injury can be induced.
Given the complexity of improvised explosive devices, the impossibility of knowing the exact explosive charges and the initiation ones in their composition, we cannot say that there existsa neutralizing thruster jet to meet all technical requirements specified above. In an attempt to simplify and systematize the study, we are going to present a summary classification of explosive jet engines means, capable of being used to neutralize improvised explosive devices.

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How to Cite
BĂLAN V, BORDEI M. Experiments on Ballistic Tests for Improving Performance of a Neutralizing Gas Dynamics System. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2014 [cited 14Feb.2025];37(4):77-1. Available from: https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/mms/article/view/2232

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