Comunitățile umane între tradiție și modernitate

  • Victor VOICU Universitatea Danubius of Galati
Keywords: community, sociality, immediate finality, the ambivalence of modern civilization, inner destabilization, inertia and community dynamics, normative model, de-communitization, intra- and intercommunity harmony.88


In this paper, the author selects from the reference literature a few ideas that are used as arguments for demonstrating the ambiguity of the current community impact on human civilization. Without discrediting the advantages of the undisputed materials of civilization and contemporary technology, the present survey focuses on the anticipation of the modernizing influences, particularly of its collateral aspects on the spiritual life of human communities’ influences that have had as effect a disruption of human relationships and of traditional customs. The author intends to draw attention to the danger that the modern civilization awaits, if it is unable to control its own accomplishments.

Author Biography

Victor VOICU, Universitatea Danubius of Galati
Prof. univ. dr., Universitatea Danubius Galați      