Rudenia spirituală din nășie - monografia unei instituții tradiționale

  • Georgela ȚĂRANU Universitatea ,,Constantin Brâncoveanu” Piteşti
Keywords: monograph of traditional institutions, ontogenesis institution sponsorship, sponsorship spiritual kinship, structures and functions of the institution sponsorship, sponsorship representation of social institution


This paper addresses the phenomenon of sponsorship as a species of kinship symbolic meanings ontogenesis and traditional institution of sponsorship, with its customizing the area  of the Romanian Christian Orthodox.

It also deals with the scope of sponsorship phenomenon in contemporary society, addressing a qualitative methodology. Trends are emerging to be in agreement with those of the whole society - desacralization, debunking, openness to, disinhibition.

Located at the interface between Church and Family, generating spiritual kinship and authority of special type of sponsorship, two thousand year traditional institution as "total social phenomenon" social network structures and project their collective mental representation by complex game between sacred and profane, secular and religious haric-pecuniary, economic, cultural, public and private, formal, informal, individual-family-community.
