Problematica drepturilor animalelor în concepția lui Peter Singer

  • Viorica Torii CACIUC “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: animals right, animal – centered ethics, ecological ethics, animals welfare


Unfortunataly, we see many acts of cruelty, violence or abuse on animals. I have always wondered whom we should share the responsibility with. We often see children who struggle hard strayng dogs and cats, or we witness peasants exploiting their animals without mercy or care for the latter``'s welfare. No matter whether such facts are driven by aggressive impulses or performed for fun, on the one hand, or bravery on their part or their parents```' lack of supervision, then how should we comment upon the ethics of the adults' behavior? In the civilized countries, there are quite harsh punishments for similar acts, from fines to community work, the loss of ownership of animals and even loss of their freedom. What I propose in this study is to demonstrate that animals should have
rights and be respected whether we like it or not.
