Anii ̕ 70 în România – perspective socio-politice şi religioase

  • Pr. Ovidiu SOARE
Keywords: Communism; Romanian Orthodox Church; Marxism-Leninism; Christian traditions


The study aims to analyze some socio-political and religious perspectives from the Romanian society of the 70s, a society in full revolutionary momentum, which after a quarter of a century of communism had gained some self-confidence and had managed to motivate its social actions and ideological; at the same time, he had also gained a certain international credibility, having a leadership attentive both to raising the standard of living of working people and to the strict application of party and state directives, for the creation of a multilaterally developed socialist society, in which to find the new type of man, educated in the spirit of Marxist-Leninist teachings. On the other hand, the Romanian Orthodox Church was present in the social and cultural life of Romanian society, through actions in accordance with Christian traditions and ordinances established over the centuries, despite the specific pressures of the communist society of those times. For a modern observer, the Romanian society of the 70s seems like a paradox. He sees a society in which both Marxist ideologies and Christian teachings and ordinances existed, of course with manifestations and intensities specific to each of them, specific to those times.
