The Value of the Strucutral Remanence and Thermic Tensions in the Forged Pieces

  • Aurel CIUREA "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Marian BORDEI "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: forged pieces, tensions, cracks


The plastic deformation, the heating and the cooling of the pieces submitted to plastic deformations acumulate remanent tensions inside the pieces.
Knowing the environmental where they are produced and avoiding its superposition in an important problem for a specialist who aims to get through the forging process some pieces dimentionally corresponding and without defects. This works will analyse the value of the structural remanent and thermal tensions in the case of some forged pieces.

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How to Cite
CIUREA A, BORDEI M. The Value of the Strucutral Remanence and Thermic Tensions in the Forged Pieces. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2005 [cited 14Sep.2024];28(2):54-7. Available from:

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