Problematica socială a femeii în ortodoxia contemporană românească. Între dinamică și permanență

  • Felicia MIRCEA Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi
Keywords: Women, social problems, abortion, prostitution, Orthodox Church, Christian values, identity, discrimination, social solution


Abortion, contraception, prostitution, domestic violence as the most serious social phenomena contain elements of risk on women’s everyday life. In Romanian society, discrimination and identity crisis remain two of the most serious reasons for women's social problems. This situation is caused by an imbalance of the accelerated social changes, reducing social elements of continuity in our society. In this social context Romanian Orthodox Church remains a symbol of permanence. The best elements of continuity in women’s everyday life are the Christian values. Both meet as social actors in the public sphere trying to solve the women’s social problems. An orthodox woman defines herself through the personal relationships with divinity and interpersonal relations within the Christian community. Which is the result of this social interaction? I will try to answer this question in the present study. We appreciate that these issues are closely related to the most important aspects of a woman's life (birth and motherhood, marriage and family life, education of children, widowhood), including the religious dimension of life.
