Ecoul mediatic al problemelor comunităţilor musulmane de implantaţie recentă în Europa şi România

  • Daniel-Lucian GĂLĂȚANU
Keywords: Muslim family, Muslim community, Romania, recent establishment, media news


This study aims to analyse the problems and the future of Muslim families of recently settled in Romania, from the countries of the Near & Middle East and Africa, ravaged by armed and/or ideological and religious conflicts, but above all the reflection of this anthropological and socio-cultural problems in the Romanian and international media, especially the online media. Because, apparently, between the "traditional" Muslim families of Romania, usually located in Dobruja, with ethnic Turk-Tatar roots, and the "new" Oriental and African Muslim family, there is a significant gap, especially regarding the relation towards integration, or non-integration, more precisely, in the contemporary Romanian society. Knowing well that at present we are witnessing an almost open conflict between the "old" Muslims, represented by the Mufti Authority of Dobruja, the Turks and Tatars, with an old and respectable history on Romanian territory, dating back to the time of the Ottoman Empire, and who have mostly lived, for centuries, in harmony with the majority Romanian population, and the "new" Muslims, who arrived in Romania after 1989, from the countries of the Near & Middle East and Africa, this research aims to analyse the intra- and extra-familial tensions that are now emerging in our country, tensions linked to cultural, anthropological and socio-economic differences. To all these tensions are also added the ideological and political sides, because the "new" Muslims of Romania seem to have the tendency and ambition to impose themselves on the media and in the eyes of public opinion, as legitimate representatives, and, if possible, the only ones, of the Muslims of Romania, an ambition that creates enormous difficulties of integration into Romanian society to the most vulnerable representatives of these Muslim families, who are women and children.
