Răul secolului al XX-lea / The Evil of the XX-th Century

  • Ivan Ivlampie Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: good, evil, culpability, punishment, responsability, ideology


By the present paper we do not intend to put ourselves in the place of justice, for not the punishment of the guilty is our purpose (nobody sets unrealizable goals!) and not even the recognition of the guilt of those involved in this tragedy of the century is for us a vital objective. We propose only the presentation of the facts, their description in view of the reconstruction of the context of those times, by means of a series of portraits both of dictators and their companions, and of those who suffered in consequence of the dictatorial politics, nazism and communism. We bring in support of this idea precious confessions like that of Al. Soljenitzin. Our effort is directed against the belief that wickedness is never punished on earth, but that it brings wellbeing.
