O perspectivă axiologică în înţelegerea adevărului / An axiological perspective in the understanding of truth

  • Ivan Ivlampie Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: axiology, value, truth, norm, convention


The axiological perspective concerning the truth reveals the deeply subjective nature of this object of the theoretical conscience. It can disappoint the reader by giving the impression that the truth is something subjective, arbitrary, as long as it is the object of some norms subjectively instituted. The truth, understood as value, is arbitrary in the sense in which it is not justifiable  in relation  to reality, but to certain founding conventions connected with theoretical interests. First of all, the truth appears from our deep need of conventions. But, at the same time, the truth is not autonomous towards reality, in the sense in which it finds its foundation in relation to reality, fact that has determined the conceptual investigation of this theoretical value. This second sense is not a secondary one in relation to the axiological perspective, bounded to the strict gnoseological domain, where the validation of propositions and all  theoretical reasoning has a fundamental  importance.
