Semnificaţia culturală a disputei privind forma şi fondul

  • Ivan Ivlampie Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: culture, civilization, form without fund, tradition


In 1826, the boyar Dinicu Golescu, after his voyage through Europe, was discovering the forms of Occidental culture and civilization, becoming thus one of the first militants for their independence on the soil of a civilization much delayed in primitivism. The next generations accelerated the synchronization, innovating all the domains of social life, in such a manner that even the adepts of changes have been marked by the radicalism of the transformations. Thus, the rise of a critical direction in the Romanian culture was not fortuitous. Titu Maiorescu, through his theory of the forms without fund, represented the moment of lucidity, of philosophical reflection concerning the borrowing of forms stranger to national soul. He will anticipate the phaenomenon of pseudo-morphosis, discussed even in the XX-th century by Oswald Spengler.
